
Kara Amour……the brightly contrasting red and black along with other more subtle color mixing makes this necklace just shout its name! This beautiful blend of bead colors….light gray teardrop, black diamond, bright red ring, and white button are sure to finish off a plain colored top or blend nicely with something more expressive. Kara Amour is strung on a black polyester cord that is attached to a safety designer breakaway clasp with BLL right on the clasp. No matter what, your little one will delight in not only the colors, but the moveable parts that make this necklace so fun to touch. Teething relief is always a guarantee too! BabiLovLinks are safe as they are free from BPA plastics and other harmful chemicals that are in some plastics. Kara Amour promises to not only finish off your accessory needs, but also many pleasant times of fun with your curious, teething little one you hold so close!